The Razor: ep 1

MSFT key breach, Elixir is safe, designing for the CLI

Welcome to the first edition of Ockam's: The Razor 🎉

Before we kick things off though I've a few quick asks:

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Now on with the show...


  • The Microsoft key acquisition breach: they've published the results of the investigation into how an attacker gained access to a key and was able to forge tokens to access OWA and It's a fascinating look at how even some of the most well resourced companies is only as secure as its weakest link. Basically a crash dump failed to redact a secret, the dump file was then available in a debugging environment to assist in investigating the issue that caused the crash, and later a developer machine was compromised that allowed access to the debugging environment. Crashes by their nature can test the limits of expected behavior and this shows how a series of plausible scenarios that aren't sufficiently mitigated created a serious risk.
  • Elixir is (still) safe: A response from the team to a research paper that was questioning the perception of Elixir as a "safe" language (note: Elixir is one of the major languages we use at Ockam, the other being Rust. Our CTO previously published a post and webinar on why we rewrote our stack to be in Rust, in part for the safety improvements). I loved this particular quote: "... then a paper is published saying, 'roads paved with Elixir still have potholes', ignoring that it results in fewer potholes". Perfect safety is always difficult to guarantee, but the tools we choose can definitely go a long way towards reducing the number of potholes we inadvertently create.
  • RFC9420 was recently published by the IETF: a draft years in the making for defining Messaging Layer Security (MLS) - think groups of users that want to send messages to each other. The working group homepage gives a brief outline that's easier to digest than an RFC, but if audio and podcasts are more your style then Raphael Robert (co-author of the spec) was on the Security Cryptography Whatever podcast to talk about it.
  • A year of 0-days: The Threat Analysis Group @ Google published their year-in-review of 0-days exploited-in-the-wild a few months ago - a near record year with 41 0-days detected and disclosed in 2022. The positive news in their takeaway was that they believe security improvements contributed to the 40% drop in exploits from the peak of 69 in 2021.
  • An exploit so old it could drink: Matt Johansen talks us through a backdoor in encrypted radio comms that has been in use for over 25 years. The Black Hat USA 2023 presentation he mentions was delivered last month, and the slides are now available online.


  • Fixing rough edges in Clang: Peter Goodman from Trail of Bits takes a deep dive into what I'd consider some of the DX challenges of Clang as a compiler. If you're building C/C++/Objective-C apps it's worth a read as Peter has built some tooling to improve the experience and address the issues he points out, and mentions that DARPA (!!!) are helping to fund further improvements Trail of Bits are making towards compilers.
  • Application security through the lens of developer experience: Peter Chan (ex VP of Information Security @ Netflix) takes a look at the next evolution of AppSec. Including this 🌶️ take: "AppSec teams have always meant well - we want to minimize risk to the organization and improve software quality. However, the way we’ve traditionally worked has been completely antithetical to DevEx". He has a good explanation on why that's true though, go check it out.
  • To stderr or not to stderr: that is the question! Or I guess it might be one Sh4k3sp34r3 might pose if he were around today. I did ask something like it recently in an internal chat as I wasn't sure in which cases output went to stdout and when it went to stderr. Someone on the team helpfully pointed me towards the CLI Guidelines written by Aanand Prasad, Ben Firshman, Carl Tashian, and Eva Parish. In particular the section on outputs, TLDR; things you want to be able to pipe to another command or should be machine readable go to stdout, things you want to be displayed back to the user go to stdout.
  • Speaking of designing for the command line: here's a flashback to the time Amanda Pinsker spoke about her experiences helping design the GitHub CLI. It's a great introduction to and reminder of why people use CLI tools, and how you can provide great human experiences that enhance all of the reasons people use CLIs in the first place. I've always had a soft spot for well designed CLI tools as I think the constraints they impose forces an extra level of empathy for whoever is trying to use it, and so the ones that do it well just feel so natural to use. There's also a quick journey through some of the research and inspiration they took while designing their CLI, so if you're looking for inspiration or guidance for your own projects it's definitely worth a few minutes of your time.

Product spotlight

  • CipherStash: At Ockam we strongly believe that we need better tools and systems to protect data while it's in motion, and it's clear the team at CipherStash feel the same way. Messaging like "data doesn’t stay at rest. For data to be useful, it needs to be available" resonates so strongly! If you're using Postgres then their searchable encryption is an interesting (and complimentary) approach to securing the sensitive data you're storing in your database. If you're interested, submit your request for early access.

The odd bits

  • Thanks, I hate it: here's a GitHub repo, called "misbrands", filled with logos that will make your eyes twitch just a little. Think VSCode but in the branding style of Vim, GitHub with the GitLab logo. There's quite a few in here that gave me a chuckle. I'm almost tempted to print some off to put on my laptop lid, they'd make a good conversation starter for anyone with a keen eye at the next conference I'm at.

That's it for this month! Once again, please let me know any feedback you have and spread the love.


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