⚡️ Serverless platforms: Learn how to connect your runtime to any private system! ⚡️

Serverless needs Networkless

Just-in-time ephemeral connections from your serverless platform to anything, at scale, in milliseconds.

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Connections established in milliseconds

Serverless is ready to act in milliseconds. Your secure connections to remote resources need to be ready in milliseconds too. When the entire lifecycle of a function is often measured in less than a second, you don't have the performance budget to spend more than a fraction of that time setting up connections.

Ockam Portals cold start in less than 10 milliseconds. That means they can initialize within Serverless functions and add zero perceived latency. Your customers will have an experience that makes them feel like their data is seamlessly integrated with your platform.

Multi-tenant out of the box

Every customer has unique resources that your serverless platform needs to connect to inside of their network. You can't connect to thousands of VPNs, allow thousands of customers to connect into your multi-tenant environment, or set up and manage thousands of PrivateLinks.

Ockam's protocols operate at the application layer, and are transport agnostic. That means you can establish connections within your existing isolation guarantees for individual customers and then optionally layer in additional fine-grained policy via Ockam's Attribute Based Access Controls (ABAC).

Ephemeral connectivity to anywhere

Long-lived network-level connectivity between your serverless platform and your customer's private resources create brittle interfaces. Modern infrastructure is too dynamic to continue accepting things like IP allow lists, port forwarding, peering, PrivateLinks, or VPNs as the solution.

Because Ockam Portals are so quick to initialize, you can start them just-in-time, and then immediately shut them down once a task is complete. Both you and your customers can independently make changes to your architecture and applications will continue to work.

Scale up to match Serverless demand

Serverless platforms are expected to rapidly, and dynamically, scale from zero-to-near-infinite at any moment. The classic solutions like VPNs are long lived static tools that are difficult to scale up in massive-scale serverless platforms.

Ockam's app-level approach to connectivity perfectly maps to the function-level isolation required by Serverless platforms, even when you're running in a multi-tenant environment. And because security, capacity handling, patching, and upgrades are managed automatically you can worry less about these problems and focus more on providing the best developer experience.

... and scale back down to zero

The most secure code is the code that isn't running. The most secure server is the one that doesn't exist. And the same is true of networks — the most secure network is the one that isn't connected.

Unlike long-lived private connectivity solutions like PrivateLink, or a VPN, Ockam's networkless approach to connectivity means you can scale up in an instant, but also scale back down to zero when you don't need connections to private resources.

Be AI-ready

Whether your customers are directly deploying AI agents on your platform, or supporting part of a larger AI workflow, their apps need secure access to their federated enterprise data and tools.

Ockam allows your customers to integrate all of their private data sources into your platform. An Ockam Portal exposes this within an app as a "virtual adjacency". The result: The customer's private data source appears as though it is part of your serverless platform... and your Serverless platform is available as a service on localhost within their VPC.

Frictionless customer experience

Ockam is agnostic to network-level and cloud-specific features. No matter which cloud, or clouds, your customers use, you give them a single approach that works consistently everywhere; on-prem environments, data centers, or even a server that's under someone's desk.

Support multi-cloud deployments

Ockam's agnostic to network-level and cloud-specific features. That means no matter which cloud your customers are using, or if they're using multiple clouds, you've a single approach that works consistently wherever your customers are. That includes other on-prem environments, data centers, or even a server that's under someone's desk.

Trust your security team can depend on

Ockam's approach uses existing and well established open source technologies and frameworks. We build trust through transparency so your CISO can be confident everything meets their requirements. The cryptographic and messaging protocols are publicly documented and the implementations are open source and available on GitHub.

We've published an independent third-party audit by the security research firm Trail of Bits, we've passed the security reviews of our major partners, and we're SOC2 compliant.

The current status of our latest audits and compliance controls are also available.

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How to offer secure & private connections on your platform

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